Publications & Academic work

Before starting my professional software career, I was a researcher studying software engineering at the universities of Utrecht, Karlskrona/Ronneby (these days known as the Blekinge Institute of Technology), and Groningen. Additionally I worked at Nokia Research. On this page you may find various things I’ve published from those days. You may also find me on Research Gate, even though I’m not very active there. If you need something that isn’t listed on this page, drop me an email.

I choose to share my published work via this website. The reason is simply because I wrote these articles so that others may read them. I find that locking them up behind tightly controlled for profit publisher web sites is a good way of ensuring few people do that. In some cases the copyright of the material belongs to the publisher and not to me. It is my understanding that publishers generally don’t object against authors providing downloadable pdfs of their published work. I know this to be true of at least the IEEE where several of these articles were published.

Students / PhD Students

Over the years I’ve had the pleasure of supervising/coaching several smart people with their thesis work either officially or unofficially. Looking back, all of them went on to have amazing careers of their own and I realize that I learned as much from them as they hopefully did from me.

  • 2000: Tony Gorschek. I vaguely recall this enthusiastic pair of students working on their bachelor thesis in 2000. Tony went on to do a M Sc., licentiate and Ph. D. after I left Sweden and eventually became a professor in the same department I used to work in.
  • 2001-2003: Anton Jansen. I worked with Anton while doing my Ph. D. at the university of Groningen. We wrote a paper together while he was doing his master thesis and I supervised him during his first year as a Ph. D. and we did another paper together. He received his degree in 2008.
  • 2001-2003: Eelke Folmer. Eelke was one of the big guys I shared a room with in Groningen. He joined our research group in 2001 and I helped him out with his research work until I left. He got his Ph D. in 2005 and now works as a professor in Reno, Nevada doing research on Game design patterns aimed at making games fun and playable for disabled people.
  • 2005: Ronald Bos. When I was working for GX, Ronald joined us to do his master thesis on usability in content management systems. I supervised him for the six months he was with us and wrote a paper with him and Sjaak Brinkkemper. Last I checked, he was working in Barcelona.
  • 2005: Martijn Claus. Martijn joined us at GX to do his master thesis on using aspect oriented programming in GX WebManager. After finishing, he was offered a job as a software engineer at GX. This was around the time I left.
  • 2007-2008: Christian del Rosso. My colleague, friend and neighbor in Helsinki will soon graduate with Jan Bosch as his main super visor. I helped him out a bit revising his thesis.
  • 2007-2008: Filip Suba. Filip worked in my research team as a trainee during the summer of 2007. We wrote a paper on an evaluation of sensor actuator networks and after a few months he joined us to work on his master thesis with me as his main supervisor in Nokia. He finalized his master thesis in summer of 2008 on prototyping an extension to OpenID around a new security concept we are working on.
  • 2008: Daniel Wilms. Daniel joined Filip in our team a few months after Filip started. He finished his master thesis in Nokia on social networks and semantic web (lowercase) and now works for Nokia.
  • 2020-2021: Jad Ali Daoud. Jad is doing his thesis work at FORMATION under my supervision and he’s helping us to generate indoor maps from our tracking data.

Ph. D. Thesis and other works

  • On the design & preservation of software systems, Ph. D. thesis, University of Groningen, 2003.
  • Variability in Software Systems: The Key to Software Reuse, Licentiate thesis, October 2000.
  • Design Principles for Reusable, Composable and Extensible Frameworks, Master thesis, March 1999.

Journal Papers

Book chapters

  • S.Tarkoma, J. Heikkinen, J. van Gurp. Mobile Push for Converged Mobile Services: the Airline Scenario. Book chapter. To appear in Handbook of Research on Advanced Distributed Event-Based Systems, Publish/Subscribe and Message Filtering Technologies. Edited by A. Hinze and A. Buchmann, published by IGI.
  • Christian Prehofer, Jilles van Gurp and Jan Bosch, Compositionality in Software Product Lines, in Emerging Methods, Technologies and Process Management in Software Engineering, Andrea De Lucia, Filomena Ferrucci, Genny Tortora and Maurizio Tucci (editors), pp. 21-43, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008.
  • Jilles van Gurp, Jan Bosch, Role-Based Component Engineering, in “Building Reliable Component-based Systems”, editors: Ivica Crnkovic and Magnus Larsson, Artech House Publishers, 2002.
  • Jilles van Gurp, Mikael Svahnberg, Jan Bosch, “On the notion of variability in software product lines”, chapter in “System Family Variant Configuration and Derivation”, N. Farcet (editor), wp3 of the ESI ESAPS (Engineering Software Architectures, Processes and Platforms for System-Families) project, thales_wp3-0105-1, May 2001.

Conference Papers

Workshop Papers & Demo’s










