I defended my licentiate
thesis in Februari 2001 in Ronneby. A licentiate
degree is a Swedish title which is usually obtained
half-way the full
Ph. D. While not recognized
outside of Scandinavia, it is a milestone and I think the thesis I
wrote for it is a nice piece of work.
My thesis consists of an introduction and four articles (which by now
have all been published in one form or another).
Variability in Software Systems:
The Key to Software Reuse
Reuse of software assets has been, and continues to be the holy grail
of software engineering. In this thesis we argue that a prerequisite for
reusability is variability. In order to reuse a piece of software, it
needs to be adapted to the environment in which it will be reused. With
the arrival of object oriented frameworks and software product lines,
variability and the associated variability techniques are becoming more
and more important. In this thesis, four papers are included that all,
in some way, are related to variability. In the introduction we discuss
object oriented frameworks and software product lines; we introduce a
conceptual model for reasoning about variability; we take a closer look
at so called late variability and examine the consequences of variability
for the development process of software product lines and software product
line based applications.
- A pdf can be downloaded here.
- The presentation slides.
- Title page: Oktober should
be October
- Acknowledgements: spelling
errors are inexcusable, sorry, Susanne!
- P1: Paper II will be published
March 2001. The correct reference is: Jilles van Gurp, Jan Bosch, "Design,
Implementation and Evolution of Object Oriented Frameworks: Concepts & Guidelines",
Software Practice & Experience no 33(3), pp 277-300, March 2001. Due
to editing after the thesis was finished, the version of this paper
included with the thesis is not the most recent version. However, an
online version of the latest version is available on both the journal
site and my homepage (www.xs4all.nl/~jgurp). In addition, there are
only minor differences between this version and the included version.
- P1: "Both paper I and IV …" should
be "Both paper I and II …"
- P1: Paper IV has unfortunately
been rejected. A revised and shortened version has been submitted to
the Wicsa conference and we are working on a second, more extensive
paper for submission to a suitable journal.
- References p44: [Demyer et
al. 1997] should of course be [Demeyer et al, 1997].
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