SPLC workshop papers


Next week, I am attending the Software Product Line Conference 2006 in Baltimore. I’m presenting a paper in on variability mechanisms in service grids (posted about this a few months ago) and two workshop papers.

I submitted a paper to the Managing Variability for Software Product Lines: Working With Variability Mechanisms. The paper, which I wrote with Christian Prehofer, discusses some ideas on using version management systems during product derivation: > Version management tools as a basis for integrating Product Derivation and Software Product Families. > > This paper considers tool support for variability management, with a particular focus on product derivation, as common in industrial software development. We show that tools for software product lines and product derivation have quite different approaches and data models. We argue that combining both can be very valuable for integration and consistency of data. In our approach, we illustrate how product derivation and variability management can be based on existing version management tools.

An edited version of this paper will be published after the workshop comments have been incorporated.

The second paper is a position paper about applying open source development practices in the context of software product line development:

OSS Product Family Engineering.

Open source projects have a characteristic set of development practices that is, in many cases, very different from the way many Software Product Families are developed. Yet the problems these practices are tailored for are very similar. This paper examines what these practices are and how they might be integrated into Software Product Family development. This paper was accepted for the First International Workshop on Open Source Software and Product Lines.

I will update my publicationspage after the conference after it is clear how and where the papers will be published.